See the Girl Film Festival Sweden Study Visit Diaries


The preparation phase fort his project included team meetings, zoom meetings, designing posters, designing See the Girl merch, organizing events with the local facilities, and promoting Midnight Soul Film Festival in Helsingborg.


The Winners of the See the Girl Film Festival arrived to Copenhagen airport. Tania went to pick up their luggage from the airport so the winners team could spend a day sightseeing in Copenhagen. The winners team arrived to Helsingborg by ferry at night. Both the winners of the festival and the ProQvi team talked about their journey to Sweden as this was everyone’s first trip outside Ethiopia. During the time at Project Pocket both the winners and the ProQvi team went over the weekly program. After the planning, the winners of the festival went to their hostel nearby the Project Pocket to rest.


After breakfast, ProQvi team introduced a local person who arranged activities with college girls in Ethiopia and who helped with the preparations of See the Girl Film Festival. They did networking and team building activities. They went to Tryckeriet to meet with the Ludosport Club and got a short training from the club members. Before the end of the day the winners gathered at the Project Pocket to locate the venues they visited in Helsingborg city map as a team building activity. After that they introduced to the project prototyping lesson to create their own projects during the study visit. 


At the start of the day the winners team did networking and team building activities. Following in the day they attended the guided tour at Dunkers Culture House and they participated in the art workshop at Spektra. At the end of the workshop the winners team had a chance to do sightseeing in Helsingborg city. The day ended with working on individual projects and playing board games at the hostel.


The winners team continued to develop their individual projects. Since the ProQvi team planned to attend a Pecha Kucha event at Mindpark they practiced public speaking and prepared their presentations. The team went to Jutan to try kickboard sport and they went to Mindpark to do their presentations at Mindpark.

23 & 25.11.2023

The winners team participated and presented See the Girl Film Festival in the Human Rights Days Helsingborg. They introduced ProQvi and Project Pocket to the people who attended the fair. The project winners had the chance to meet with other NGO’s and human rights advocators in Sweden.


The winners team continued to develope their individual projects. Later in the day they attended project prototyping sessions and they organized the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony. Different NGO’s which attended Helsingborg Human Rights Days were invited to the Coffee Ceremony. Traditional Ethiopian dances were taught and participants were served Ethiopian coffee. 

25 & 26.11.2023

The winners attended the filmmaking workshop at Helsingborg Arena. Since the Midnight Soul Festival started creative writing and filmmaking workshops were held. Participants attended the Midnight Soul Film Festival film screening at Tryckeriet. At the second day of the Midnight Soul Festival See the Girl Film critics were done and the winners implemented their individual projects.

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