See the girl

ProQvi goes to Africa!!!

We want together with teachers of local schools, to raise awareness of decision makers in Addis Abeba/Ethiopia about gender inequality regarding school conditions, promote skills of filmmaking and encourage teachers by cooperation with students on media production, call attention of local decision makers to these obstacles: matters of simple and practical character that stops girls from enjoying education and  active participation in local development, limits their access to public services and obstacles their personal growth.

Film Competition!
We are announcing the film competition of this project.
The short film should be following the topic of the project, length max 3 minutes, originally produced and the main prize is the director’s visit to Sweden in winter 2022/23. For more information, please contact us.

Teachers together with their students equipped with skills in media production and global communication, have the shortest way to achieve change and influence the attitudes towards girl’s conditions, therefore the very conditions for girls. 

During project activity: a training course in Ethiopia, we want
–  to present different simple principles and techniques of filmmaking, 
– have discussions around gender equality in practice and about possibilities for change in local community; also  
– research the possibilities for film promotion in East Africa as a means of opinion building,
–  discuss aspects of  media production: short films/videos, with the teachers of prime and high schools and youth workers,  and 
– try some simple  productions with the teachers and youth workers,, helping them to form their messages and encouraging them to continue develop filmmaking together with students, 
– meet the students discussing the opportunities of media production and public opinion building with them. 

Topics highlighted through the videos, will be all the challenges that girls face in their everyday struggle for education and recognition of human rights. 

One of the aims is also to try collaboration with the Ethiopian partner, hopefully continuing this project on a bigger scale the year after. 

We planned to be 3 persons going from Sweden to Ethiopia in December 2021 with a simple standard budget costs covered. Participants in the group should have had experiences in media/film production, specific knowledge about the country and culture, development opportunities and local network.
This was certainly a massive learning experience! We learnt about the unique premises and conditions of creativity and collaboration in Ethiopia, challenges and opportunities that exist on the way to bring young girls up to the position of voice and power. We got to meet both youth leaders, young people, teachers, public officials, journalists and of course the young girls themselves as we visited 4 local organisations and 3 schools, both in Addis Abeba and surroundings. As a result some videos were made on the spot, and some were in progress as we went back home to Sweden. To be continued!!

Here you can see some of the highlights of the visit.

International Association for Women and Youth