All posts by proQvi

Ongoing work in Hästveda and ancient tradition of Talaka

There is an old Belarusian tradition TALAKA that has been successfully implemented by us in Hästveda, as we – colleagues, friends nad volunteers, help together to a common project, slowly slowly to get into shape our future course yard where people with deviant competences will find sanctuary and conditions to learn and develop. As resources are realy limited we proceed at a pace that youtube- and google-learning allow, with only crutial competences like certified plumber and electrician, paid.

Silence of the lost voices

At Almedals week, our leader Tania Bauder talks about how easy it is to miss voices of vulnerable groups of young people if they on some reason cannot present themselves as actively as their peers from other social groups. Democracy turns another side: you don’t speak therefore you don’t exist. From individual to systemic bullying, we can follow self-inflicted isolation and void of important insights about segregation in the society, something that may cost us A LOT as history teaches.

Thank you all participants of DiscriminHate Nobody-project for this valuable and painful awareness.

Been there done that: Now together with the colleagues from other countries )

Despite corona restrictions chaos and a chain of administrative challenges, how else with that topic 🙂 we did got together for a wonderful inspirational work on a Book Of Songs, our experiences of failures and fckups put together not as facts but as a flow of feelings and support towards ourselves, our colleagues and all the young people out there struggling with insecurity and fear.
Forward and forward!
Here are some pictures from the project that took place in Turkey with the support from Erasmus+ program, in February 2022.

(disclaimer: no feelings or cups were hurt during this picture taken; this is a drama workshop in action)

Let’s make it (happen) together!

Quite a few ideas and propositions high and low were ventilated during the project planning meeting with both digital and personal participants from Ukraine, Sweden and Turkey. We tried the environment for durability and patience of organizers for fantasy…

Wow we thought we will just do some workshops… It settles down for a minor revolution here!!!

Short Film Competition!

We are announcing the film competition of the project “See the Girl“!
The short film should be following the topic of the project, length max 3 minutes, originally produced and the main prize is the director’s visit to Sweden in winter 2022/23. For more information about the competition, please contact us.

Want to know more about the project? Check here.

Suddenly you meet another picture of you with somebody you don’t know… why do you care?

Our youth leader is at #pechakuchahelsingborg telling about her experiences and learnings gained through a non-conventional path of informal learning as she has been an active participant in two of our projects recently: Discriminhate Noboby and Been There Done That.

How close is in fact outsidership and mental ill-health, how judgmental people can be without realizing it, how hard it is for young people to talk about such adult issues as discrimination, doubts and fears, courage…. But decision to come forward and speak out is sometimes a push that moves the mountains.

Well done!!!

Hästveda united!

Season full forward and we have a reinforcement, all the way from Helsingborg as a part of rehab activities. So so much needed and appreciated… Together with many talks about mistakes and harrassments, life long reflections and struggle to keep focus in focus.