Filmtime Academy 2019 Accomplished!

“FILMTIME ACADEMY” is a project where 36 young people from Sweden, Italy and Turkey meet in Hästveda, Sweden between 03-17 July, 2019 in order to produce their own short films focusing on the topic of discovering/interpreting feelings and identities. Mostly cinema students and multimedia production interested young people joined this project.

The organizing team aimed to provide inspiration, challenge and knowledge to youngsters about shaping their experiences into messages that could be spread to a wider audience, using audiovisuals like film as a means of communication. The participants experienced that they have more similarities than differences, in their cultural contexts and personal opinions in the process.

After 2 weeks full of discussion, struggle, sleepless nights but also a lot of fun and laughter, we ended up with 3 short films all taking place in Hästveda.


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