Based on the votes of the Midnight Soul Film Festival juries, the winning films of the “See the Girl” Film Festival were announced at the closing ceremony. According to the juries’ votes:
From left to right,
“Visionary” directed by Anguach Merech Teshale
“Gold Daughter” directed by Yeabsira Desalegn Weldeyohanes
“Ethio Woman” directed by Dina Hussen Adem
“It’s not Easy” directed by Ewnet Assasshigne GebreYohanes
“Why is She Silent?” directed by Meti Gebisa Merga

Additional films that qualified to come to Sweden due to their recognition on the subject:
“Sika” directed by Kalkidan Gebreegziabher Yihdego
“My Dream” directed by Yared Mengiste Timketu
“Hangatu” directed by Yohannes Lulye Hasen
For detailed information about the project please click here .