Our History

Non-governmental non-profit organization proQvi have been established in 2010 and started as a forum for women with the foreign background to meet and support each other’s ambitions, ideas, and learning. Through time, the activities within the organization have developed. From Saturday meetings when we were practicing Swedish and training physically, we have moved on to the local society information support, swimming school for adult women and even widened our views to include youngsters’ and experimental events: culture festivals and exchanges. Contact us to learn more about these, or read more under “Avslutade project” …well, yes, in Swedish.

The project is something we are really aspiring to. We constantly search for how to lift least discussed questions by supporting our members’ initiatives. Whatever daring they might appear, there is a lot of learning in each experiment. We believe that the way to a strong and sustainable society lies through each and every person’s happiness, and happiness is when you are safe, surrounded by those who understand you, and doing what you love.

Yes, we are an organization with the focus on integration, diversity and personal growth for women. But this doesn’t mean that we only work with women as an isolated group. We want to meet and get to know as much as possible of competence and opportunities that exist out there, to create as good conditions as possible for women. Everybody is a warm welcome to get in touch with us and tell about her thoughts, ideas or propositions. Several times a year we organize events for youngsters where girls, boys, and transpersons are welcome to participate. Keep in touch with us via social media or sign up for our newsletter, and get all the information about what’s happening at ours’!

We welcome all women and persons who relate their identity as one, to become s a member in proQvi. Men and organizations can support members without the voting right, and as a non-profit body, we appreciate any support we can get a lot! The difference between being a member or not is in the convenience of participating in our activities. As a member, you get:

  • lower entrance/participation fee for certain events or projects
  • participation in international projects
  • insurance during the participating in our activities
  • exclusive information about spontaneously planned events.

In order to become a member in proQvi, please contact us via  tusenmila@gmail.com and tell your full name, address, personal number and your main interest, and pay 100 SEK to the organizational bank account; don’t forget to write your name!

ProQvi is registered in Ekeby, Bjuvs kommun. We run both local and international projects.

The organization’s name is Proqvi, an international association for women and youth.


Proqvi is established with a purpose to formulate, emphasize and promote interests and special needs of
women and young people who feel themselves outside of the social system and who lack knowledge about,
and a way to personal development and active participation in social life, because of their culture, social
background or special obstacles.
Personal development, democracy, and integration are in the center of an organization’s activities.
The organization will work for use of opportunities and by developing mechanisms that would make it easier for
social interaction and exchange in terms of society’s lifestyle, human rights, and business culture, as well as it
will contribute to the mutual development of knowledge about women and youth role in the society, by:
– check and discussion of the activities that today exist in different social praxis: services, everyday routines,
education, entrance to the labor market etc. with regard to accessibility for women and young people who
have difficulties with their learning and communication;
– education of the wide public as well as investigation of reasons for obstacles in personal and career growth, and
dissemination of the learnings;
– Spreading awareness about the diversity of interests of women and young people, also creating a platform for
development of these interests;
– Creating space for each person to grow;
– Working for motivation and support of own members’ initiatives as well as creating of extra opportunities for
personal growth.
– Promoting women’s and youth’s driving forces;
– Promoting equality among men and women, women’s right to work and rest.
– Planning and conducting own activities designed to widen the contact network with related organizations in
other countries;
Organization’s home and geographical area of activities.
Proqvi has its own office in Helsingborg (Sweden) and is operating nationally and internationally.


Membership is open for all women and young people up to 21 yo, private persons.

Legal entities are encouraged to engage in a partnership.
Member is the one who has paid a membership fee.
Men can only be supporting members. As a supporting member, the person can take part in the activities arranged
by the organization, but don’t have a vote right and cannot be elected to the board of the organization so
that they create a majority, neither be elected as a chairperson.
By joining the organization, a person binds herself to follow its memorandum as well as certifies that she/he
wants to act towards the organization’s purpose.
Members should act according to basic ethical principles:
– Do Good: strive to do the good thing, and not to harm.
– Human Value: to respect human rights.
– Autonomy: to respect individuals freedom and will, also respect individuals with limited autonomy.
Besides that, participants should always watch that the personal information about other participants that
became known through activities within the organization, would not be used in an inappropriate way.

Membership fee

Members should pay a yearly fee, amount decided at the yearly meeting.

6. Exit from the organization
Exit from the organization should be done in a written form, by application to the board, and therefore the
member is considered to have instantly left the organization.
7. Exclusion from the organization
A member may, by the decision of the board, be excluded from the organization. This is in case that the
board finds that the member had been acting in a way that harmed the organization’s or it’s members’
interests. Exclusion may take place in case if other activities of this member have been countering the
organization’s purpose and efforts, as well as because of violating the memorandum of the organization, as
well as because of ignoring payments of the yearly fee.
The exclusion process cannot be executed until the member has got the information about circumstances
that led to that his/her membership became questionable. The final decision cannot be taken until the member
got a chance to appeal within 14 days after being informed about the exclusion. In the decision by the board,
the reason for exclusion should be stated.
The member should be notified about the decision within 7 days after the decision is taken.
The decision about one’s exclusion is to be taken at a board meeting, with or without the respective member.
Call to the meeting as well as a decision about exclusion is to be delivered by post to the address that has been
given by the member at registration.
Paid fees are not reimbursed.
8. Organization and the board.
The yearly meeting is the organization’s highest decision making an organ.
The yearly meeting decides the board representatives.
The board consists of a chairperson, secretary, accountant and other members of the board that organization
might find necessary. If someone resigns, a replacement comes in until the upcoming yearly meeting. One
member can take over assignments from another one if there is a clear logical reason for that.
The board should implement decisions taken by the yearly meeting, take care of the organization’s economy and
run the accounting.
The board has a decision power if at least 2 of the members are present. The board is elected by the yearly
meeting for a period of 1 year at a time.
The board can hire personnel for administration and in the projects, as wells decide the working tasks.
The board conciliates when the chairperson finds it necessary or if at least two members of the board request

9. Election office
Election office should consist of at least 2 persons (where one has the mandate to call for the meeting), and have a
mission to propose new or reelection of candidates for the board, to the yearly meeting.
10. Accounting and audit.
Accounting year is the same as the calendar year.
By the yearly meeting, an auditor and a replacement are elected. The auditor has a task to check the
accounting. The accounting should be available for the auditor at any time of the year.
At the yearly meeting, the auditor presents his/her result of control of the organization’s accounting for the
year they have passed, as well as propose or reject his proposition whether the board can be discharged.
11. Subvention membership
In some cases when the board decides that the woman or a young person is in need of membership in the
organization but is obstacles to pay the fee,  she/he can be granted a subvention (free of charge) membership
during a limited period of time.
12. Personal information and security.
All members have a right not to state their personal information at the registration of their membership if
there is a clear logical reason for that.
13. Regular meetings.
The organization should have at least two ordinary members meetings during a calendar year. Every member
has a right to make any proposition during these meetings. Extra meetings can take place, in that case, the
chairperson announces it.
Except for the regular meetings, at least 8 meetings per year should take place, open and designed for the
14. Yearly meeting.
A yearly meeting is held every year before the end of April and is open to all members. An extra yearly meeting
can take place when at least 5 members of which at least 2 are board members or the auditors, find it
necessary. Decisions are taken by simple majority or present members. In case the votes are equal, the
chairperson has a right to make a decision.
During the meeting there is the following question to be discussed:
An opening of the meeting
Determining the legitimate votes number
Questioning reasonable informative invitation to the meeting
Determining the agenda
Choice of a chairperson, secretary and a minutes checker for the meeting
Treating the board’s yearly report as well as result, and balance accounting for the past (active recent) year.
Treating the auditor’s report about the recent active year.
Question about the discharge of the board (freedom from responsibility)
A decision about a membership fee for the next year
A decision about the plan of activities and budget for the next year
Election of a chairperson for a period of one year
Election of other board members for one year
Election of an auditor and a replacement
Treatment of board’s propositions and other notes that were delivered in proper time before the yearly
A decision of criteria for membership
A decision about eventual payments to the board and auditors
Diverse questions.
15. The right of signature

The organization’s signature is valid done by the board. The board can decide one or more persons as the
lawful signature providers.
16. Change of the memorandum
The yearly meeting has a right to, by a simple majority, decide about such changes that don’t implicate change of
the organization’s non-profit purpose. This change should be announced in the call for the yearly check.
17. Connection to other stakeholders.
The organization can be anchored at local municipalities, regional government or regional resource center.
Organization’s activities are perceived as possible to be conducted internationally, independently or in
cooperation with other stakeholders.
18. Resolution of the organization
A proposition to resolution can be set up by the board at a regular or extra yearly meeting, and the proposition
should be announced in the call for the meeting.
After the resolution, the organization’s assets are to be transferred to research purposes or given to
organizations that work in line with Proqvi’s purpose.
Ekeby, 2010-05-04

International Association for Women and Youth