Training course
Turkey February 2022

Welcome to celebrate failures and great learnings that come out of them, together with us!
A training course that has been developed as an answer to numerous conferences and workshops all focusing on best practices… and all the talks behind the stages during coffee pauses and informal afternoons. We do not succeed out of nowhere! Let’s hear more and be honest about the challenges and f’ckups that made our hearts bleed but our organisations stronger and versatile.
The project is international and took place in Turkey during February 2022.
Despite corona restrictions chaos and a chain of administrative challenges (how else with that topic) we did got together for a wonderful inspirational work on a Book Of Songs, our experiences of failures and fckups put together not as facts but as a flow of feelings and support towards ourselves, our colleagues and all the young people out there struggling with insecurity and fear.
Forward and forward!
Here are some pictures from the project that took place in Turkey with the support from Erasmus+ program, in February 2022.