“Goal 5” is a youth exchange that will take place between 15 and 24 June 2020 in Hässleholm, Sweden.
The project is hosted by Proqvi and supported by its long term partners. Erasmus+ is a fantastic tool to work with young people on gender equality. It brings different cultures together to learn from each other. With “Goal 5”, we are bringing 40 participants, 32 young people and 8 group leaders, from Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine and Albania for a youth exchange of 10 days to raise awareness of and to promote gender equality among young people in an intercultural environment.
Equal responsibilities are shared by the partner organisations. Group leaders from 4 partner countries will facilitate the sessions with non-formal education and informal learning methods such as ice-breakers, energisers, plenary, discussions in small and big groups, role plays, interactive presentations, roundtable discussions, street actions, world café, etc. The working language of the project is English. A comfortable atmosphere will be created for participants without barriers to express oneself. Equal participation and active involvement will be promoted. The youth exchange is an entirely youth-driven project, organised by active young youth leaders and young people.
Several participants were actively involved in the drafting of the project, thus guaranteeing that the project offers high interest among the young people.

What do we hope to achieve
We believe that this youth exchange will have a very positive impact on the participants and the organisations. We will contribute to the learning experience of young people both in the sessions and the extracurricular activities. The greatest impact of the project will be on the intercultural learning of the participants.
Proqvi and partner organisations will provide an environment for intercultural learning, so that young people will have a wealth of knowledge and experience of each other. Thanks to this youth exchange, especially young people with fewer opportunities will be able to learn about new cultures.
The participants will get to know each other closely and break down stereotypes and prejudices especially about gender equality. Gender equality concerns both women and men and has a strong impact on their daily lives. However, young men are not involved enough for the activities.
This youth exchange aims to have 50-50% of participation of young males and females. The project will bring participants and locals together. “European Gender Equality Festival” will be organised with participants as well as local people. Thus, interaction with people will raise intercultural dialogue and learning between the project group and local people.
Young people will meet with other young people and NGO representatives. Poster presentations and open desks will promote cooperation between the organisations.
A panel will be organized with the local guests’ talk which will include local challenges that Sweden faces for Gender Equality.
Contact us for more information.