Life goes on i forms we wouldn’t imagine for a while ago: that’s the core of evolution, but also learning and development. In a hard time of covid19 march all over the world, we realise we need to adjust our routines as well, and step up t another level of communication, expectations and planning. If not for crisis, what would we ever learn as adults?
With support from VIsionsfonden in Helsingborg, in June we launch two initiatives aiming to counter both stress and confusion coming out of the new “world order”. What does isolation do to us? What are effects on our environment and even more important, our reflections and impressions? Will it make us better humans as we learn to take better care of our home and appreciate social occasions, or will it drive us mad and violent as we cannot avoid conflicts and frustration in a way we used to?
The first project is raising a question about state of lone. When are you alone? It is how it looks, or how it feels? What triggers the good in ti, what triggers the bad? Within this project, we organise a series of six concerts – three programs repeating twice per evening, in darkness. Music from rap to barock, and noone in the audience is placed so she/he can reach or talk to another.
For, what is an experience? We claim, it is first when you get it through the body with all senses open, not only visual, when it awakens thoughts and memories, is when the music really gets to you.
There will be as said, three occasions (unless the interest will be big and we might organise more of them): on the 13, 21 and 27 of June.
Due to limitation of the amount of audience, admittance is only with a ticket registered. Tickets for these three occasions are free but all participants will be registered, to meet the safety guidelines.
Musicians performing are Jema Jones, Mahmoud Aboutaka and Angelina El Refai for rap; Kristina Sörensen – sång & fiol, Pontus Thuvesson – fiol, Anna Rynefors – nyckelharpa & svensk säckpipa, Erik Ask-Upmark – harpa, svensk säckpipa, offerdalspipa for Swedish traditional and barock music.
For tickets, please follow the link for the events below.

CARPENTER Wednesdays
The second project is a bit longer and with start ont the 23 of June, it will last for 8 occasions.
Idea is simple: ladies need a break from the family life, that tent to be sometimes very challenging, and a higher level of stress in the local community doesn’t help. Ladies tend to be quick learners. Ladies also need to get reminded sometimes that whatever times are there to come, they will always be able to evolve, stand up for their principles and take care of themselves. There, to be in a small community of other ladies with the same mindset, might help.
Each tuesday we hold a carpenter workshop, free of charge, for ladies only. Number of places are limited so even here, registration is needed.
Leadership in the workshops is open to any lady who wants to share her skills (even it may be a single thing she had done by herself), if you are interested, please let us know, directly to project leader

Would like to participate?
Book your place on FACEBOOK page
Find more FREE EVENTS here on our ProQvi page.
Hej, viket bra initiativ, jag är en ensamstående kvinna/mamma som har i dessa utmanande tider fått insikten att utan min äldre far så står jag handfallen!
Men hittar inte på hemsidan vart jag registrerar mitt intresse ?
Anna M Karlsson
My namne is Andrea Wolf
Please send me a conformation for the carpentercourse